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Catch Up Post

Its been a good while since my last blog and I have been busy busy busy! I'm in college at Texas A&M as part of the Physics Program and I'm 100% enjoying myself learning about physics. The class I'm most excited about is my Intro to Quantum Mechanics class. I'm getting to learn what I've already known about quantum mechanics in a structured, rigorous way, and as a result a lot of what I've missed is being revealed to me. So many "aha!" moments keep forming in my brain and its so much fun. And its only been three weeks! I can't wait for what I'm going to learn next.

I'm also participating in a ton of clubs. I'm in a Board Game club, an Album Club, a Presentation Club, an Etymology Club, a Philosophy Club, a Physics Club, and a Writing Club. I'm having fun in all of them, and making lots of new friends.

I miss my high school friends a lot though, and I want to do well for them.

I'm almost done formulating all my thoughts since my last post. I'm probably going to post again in the next week or two.